In this post, i am going to be looking at how media texts add intertextuality and the meaning behind it. From this, i can add my own into my media text.

How and why is intertextuality employed in 2 media products and what effect does this have in their intended audience?
The intertextuality of this media text changes the way the audience reads it as a visual text. The media text shows one of the most famous black man carrying a white woman. We can also see similarities between the magazine, a well known image of King Kong carrying off Fay Wray and as well as an army enlist poster. From the intertextuality we can understand the true meaning of having the models positioned in that way. The clothes of the models are exactly the same as well as the position that they are in.

In this magazine, we can see look a likes of Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy. Marilyn Monroe is known as one of the most popular sex-symbols of the 1950s. It was said that John F Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe was allegedly having an affair.
In my magazine i intend to use intertextuality so that the audience can understand the meaning behind my ideas. For example, i can use references from famous movies that kids have watched e.g Star Wars, Toy Story, Finding Nemo or Frozen.

How and why is intertextuality employed in 2 media products and what effect does this have in their intended audience?
In this magazine, we can see a resemblance to Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn is a very well known figure that most people can recognise . The use of the intertextuality can make the intended audience believe that Kate Moss wants the respect that Marilyn Monroe has as an independent woman.

How and why is intertextuality employed in 2 media products and what effect does this have in their intended audience?
In this magazine, we can see look a likes of Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy. Marilyn Monroe is known as one of the most popular sex-symbols of the 1950s. It was said that John F Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe was allegedly having an affair.
In my magazine i intend to use intertextuality so that the audience can understand the meaning behind my ideas. For example, i can use references from famous movies that kids have watched e.g Star Wars, Toy Story, Finding Nemo or Frozen.
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